Simple Summer Lunch Dish: Janny's Feista Rice

This one-pan meal is easy, inexpensive, and super yummy. Even better than being very tasty, it may prevent some diseases. Onions protect against cancer by acting as natural angiogenesis inhibitors, according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book Super Immunity. Tomatoes and peppers are also natural angiogenesis inhibitors. Here are my simple steps to incorporate these natural healers into a great summer lunch. Poolside dining, anyone?



  • 1 heaping cup brown organic rice
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 medium chopped sweet onion (I used a Georgia Vadalia.)
  • 1-2 cups chopped yellow, green, and red peppers (fresh or frozen)
  • 1-2 cups frozen white sweet corn
  • 1 jar 16 oz. organic salsa (I used mild Nature's Promise.)
  • 1 large can or two 15 oz cans black beans, rinsed (I used a 1 lb. 11 oz. can of Bush's black beans.)
  • 2 shakes each organic garlic powder, paprika, and cumin powder


Start by bringing one heaping cup of brown rice and three cups of water to a boil, and then add the remaining ingredients in the pot. Stir and simmer 30 minutes.

When serving, I sprinkled a heaping teaspoon of nutritional yeast on top.

Try adding organic spices to your meals for extra flavor and benefits.  I was recently reading an article on called The Benefits of Paprika about the possible benefits of paprika for your eyes. Paprika contains lutein and zeaxanthin, the same supplements in vitamins for your eyes. I buy Simply Organic Paprika at Vitacost. Paprika is a beautiful deep red color and tastes great on potatoes and most veggies, and also in soups and stews.

Enjoy this lovely meal and please let me know how yours turned out. Comment below about your experience, additions/subtractions, or ideas. Don't forget that you can also talk to me on Instagram and Twitter @forkfuloflove. Stop by and say hello!

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