When I Tell People I Eat a PLANT-BASED DIET, They Say… "I Could Never Eat That Way!"

When I Tell People I Eat a PLANT-BASED DIET, They Say… "I Could Never Eat That Way!"

We can be very reluctant to change – especially changing something we have done a certain way forever. But, when you read and study about the relationship between disease and nutrition, you can’t image why we would eat so unhealthy, potentially putting our health and longevity at such risk. Not only OUR health is at risk, it is a family thing. We are all in this together.

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80/20 You Can Do It!

80/20 You Can Do It!

Our plant-based diet did not happen overnight though. It has been a gradual change. We cheated a lot at first. In the beginning, we even only ate all vegetarian when we were with Lacey. (Sorry to tell you that, Lacey.) The first time I cooked a full vegetarian dinner for Thanksgiving, we ate with Lacey, and when she went back to New York, we went out to a restaurant and had a turkey with gravy dinner. I'm happy to report that we didn't do that this year. We visited Lacey in New York, went to the Macy's parade, and then went out to Peacefood restaurant in NYC for the most delicious Thanksgiving dinner we had ever eaten -- all plant-based. We didn't even want turkey this time. We are pretty much converted.

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Food Prep: Create Energizing Plant-Based Meals for the Week

Food Prep: Create Energizing Plant-Based Meals for the Week

Each day we consume three meals, and many of these are enjoyed away from home.  Although plants are abundant in the world, and growing in their demand as more and more people are turning to a plant-based diet, the best way to guarantee healthy meal options is to be prepared.  Put your best foot forward by prepping smoothies and salads during the week.  Here are some simple steps that will help you get started.

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